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Lake Erie BowFishing Charter

Have you ever wanted to try your hand at the most exciting and thrilling experience of Bowfishing on Lake Erie! Well look no further than Huckeye Charters for Lake Erie Bowfishing Charters! 

Children and adults alike will be experiencing nonstop action aboard our vessels as we cruse the shallow water harbors around Sandusky bay and Marblehead of Lake Erie targeting forage fish. Fish species typically targeted include, common, buffalo and grass carp, Long nose and spotted Gar, quill-back, sheephead, goldfish, bowfin and red horse sucker fish. 

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Lake Erie BowFishing Charter

Have you ever wanted to try your hand at the most exciting and thrilling experience of Bowfishing on Lake Erie! Well look no further than Huckeye Charters for Lake Erie Bowfishing Charters! 

Children and adults alike will be experiencing nonstop action aboard our vessels as we cruse the shallow water harbors around Sandusky bay and Marblehead of Lake Erie targeting forage fish. Fish species typically targeted include, common, buffalo and grass carp, Long nose and spotted Gar, quill-back, sheephead, goldfish, bowfin and red horse sucker fish. 

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NO BOWFISHING KNOWLEDGE REQUIRED to join in on a night in the shallows!

Trips depart from the dock at 9:30pm and return to dock at 2pm. All gear is provided and guest only need an Ohio fishing license to join in on the fun. Fish disposal is included with your trips.

1-4 anglers 1200 per night, extend your fishing night at 100 per hour upon request. 

300 non refundable deposit required to hold your date!

If we cancel for weather the customer has the option to reschedule for a later available date.

Reviews of Our Fishing Charter and Guide Service

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